
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thou shall obey thy mother and father...

Hubby and I were getting dinner ready and the older two were sitting at the table.  I had  asked Sunshine to do something and she had whined a "but, but, but" at me.  Hubby jumps in and tells her she needs to obey her mother.  Sunshine asks, What's obey mean?  A legitimate question, I don't think I've ever used the word before.

So I explain.  "When I tell you to go upstairs and brush your teeth and you go upstairs and do it right away, that is obeying me.  When I tell you to go upstairs and brush your teeth and you don't or you complain and whine, that is disobeying me."  I thought it was a pretty good explanation personally.

"Oooohhhhh."  She seems to get it.

I decide to push it and ask them, "So do you like to obey Mommy (said with a nice happy smile), or do you like to disobey Mommy (said with that warning voice you learn when you become a mom)?"

Sunshine thinks... "I like to... obey Mommy."  Good girl.

I foolishly ask Monkey then.  His reply,

"Um, I liiiiike... to disobey Mommy."

At least he's honest. 


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