
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Supporting a good cause?

I have no self control.  I have long since decided this.  I really just need to stop looking at all the adorable diapers out there but I just can't see to break away.  Like any addict, I convince myself that this time will be different, this time I won't click on that button, this time the diapers will be kind of cute instead of stinkin' adorable, I tell myself that "I'm just looking, I'm not going to buy anything".  Before long, I have clicked and bought another set of wool longies, 2 more diapers, an extra soaker and a diaper that was for auction.  This diaper though, was for a good cause!  The WAHM that makes them is sending half of the money for Breast Cancer Awareness.  It's a good cause!  It's ok then right?  This will definitely be my last purchase for the next 1 1/2 year that Bug is in diapers.  I am done.  Forever.

...Or until I see another adorable diaper.

How could I NOT buy it.  Right?


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