
Monday, January 23, 2012


Wow!  I've been a slacker!  I'd like to say it's because I've been sick that I haven't written anything and although was sick, I was only sick for about 24 hours.  I'd like to say it's because I have been super busy getting ready for the kids' birthday party, but I have been able to watch something on TV or check things on the computer.  I'd like to say that it's because I have so much exciting stuff going on that I just don't have time lately, but really, my life has been pretty dull lately.

So instead, here's a wrap-up of a couple of things.

Yes I was sick.   I ate something that obviously wasn't the best quality.  I'm pretty sure it was a chicken sandwich, but can't be sure.  Sunshine and Monkey are super sweet when people are sick.  It was last Sunday and Hubby was home so I went upstairs to lie down and sleep.  The kids came upstairs after me to see what I was doing.  Sunshine got me a glass of water and some warm fuzzy socks.  They both covered me up.  Monkey crawled in bed with me to cuddle and I promptly kicked him out.  I told him I didn't want him to get sick and he said (in his cute little voice), "I won't get sick wif you Mommy.  I want to cuddle under the blankets."  In a quieter voice, "I'll be very quiet."  Aawww, so sweet, but get out.  He did get out and said he'd sing a song to me instead.  I always sing him a song when he is sick, I assumed it would be the same song but it went something like this "Dah, dah, dah, dah."  It's hard to say, it was so quiet I could hardly hear him.  Within 24 hours I was feeling better.  Hubby took the morning off to stay home with me just in case, but by then I was better.

Sunshine decided she did NOT want her ears pierced.  After going in and out of the store, and in and out and then in and out, she finally decided she wanted to wait to get them done.  I felt so bad for her.  She was crying because she wanted to get it done but was openly admitting that she was just too scared.  The thought of putting little holes in my baby's ears made me suddenly feel very sad so I wasn't thrilled with the idea either but I certainly didn't want her to be sad and crying.  We talked multiple times and I told her that we could always come back later and get it done another time.  We left and decided we'd come back another time.  Since then she has told me that she has decided to wait until she is much older before she gets her ears pierced.  As she said, "I think I'm going to wait to get my ears pierced.  Maybe when I'm a little older.  Maybe I'm not old enough yet."  Haha, ok.

Sunshine also turned 6!  SIX!  It doesn't feel too strange, I have 2 nieces that have turned 6 within the last 10 months so the age doesn't seem too foreign.  We have special birthday dinners and hers was spaghetti and meatballs.  Three helping of spaghetti and 5 meatballs later she was done.  We'll have her party and Monkey's this weekend.  Monkey will be turning 4!  But that's a whole other post.

We got about 5" of snow on Friday and went sledding on Saturday.  I was wondering if Sunshine would go down right away.  She tends to be a bit more cautious but she raced to the top of the hill, jumped on her saucer sled headfirst and went flying down the hill, laughing the whole way.  I wasn't even up the hill yet and she was already down at the bottom.  Monkey was walking up with me.  When you're not quite 4, carrying a sled is hard work.  When we got up to the top he found a good spot and I went to hold onto the sled so it didn't slide down without him, he informed me that he could do it and he was going down by himself.  Oh.  Ok.  They must have gone down 50 times.  It wasn't a huge hill by any means but it was a good size for their age, we didn't have to drive far, and we didn't have to wait in line.


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