I decided to set the alarm clock that has always been in her room. It was a wonderful idea. She's been waking up on her own and doesn't complain to me that she wants to stay in bed. I haven't told her about the snooze button yet, I'm sure she'll figure that out soon enough. The first day of school she woke up before her alarm clock went off though. I felt bad, she couldn't fall asleep and she woke up once during the middle of the night.
I had a bad mommy moment in the morning as well. I had received an email saying that the school day was all day. I received a phone call from the mass phone call the school does about it being a full day but it just didn't register that it wouldn't be a half day. In the morning I started questioning what I had read and heard and decided to check my email. I still thought that maybe I was misreading it so I decided the best thing to do was to bother the school secretary during the chaos of the first day and ask her to clarify what I had already read and been told. It was indeed a full day of school.
Since I hadn't realized it was a full day, I hadn't made her a lunch. I was happy, and a little proud, of myself for being prepared and on top of things by already doing my grocery shopping. I was able to not just make her a lunch, but make her a healthy and yummy lunch. My neighbor had told me that first graders get a snack, again, I may have heard or read it somewhere but hearing it again a couple days before was a nice reminder, so she even had a nice healthy snack.
She had her bath the night before so she was all clean (whoo-hoo), she wanted her hair down, not always a good idea because of recess, but it stayed down and looked beautiful. She was a bit surprised about the full day but handled it well.
For some reason, she didn't want to take the bus, I'm not sure why. She took the bus to and from school last year and would be at the bus stop with the same kids she was with last year. I told her that I would drive her that morning but that was it. The idea of driving her the first day of school with every other parent sounded like absolute chaos, but I love her and wanted her to start the year off happy. Well, we were getting into the car and she saw all of her friends down at the bus stop. She gets out of her seat, jumps out of the car, and yells, "Come one Mommy! We're going to be late, we can't miss the bus!"
Off to the bus stop we went and she's not talked about being driven to or from school since.
Sunshine and Monkey in front of the ornamental pear we planted this summer. I look forward to see how quickly they all grow over the year. Unfortunately, Bug wasn't holding still for any kind of pictures.
The look of a very excited 6 year old starting her first day of first grade.
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