
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Silver Liner - 10% off discount -ENDED

I've been getting greener lately.  There are a ton of different ways that a person can "go green" too.  I enjoy supporting local and homemade items in my quest for a greener lifestyle.  Many work at homes support a variety of levels of green, which I think is wonderful.  People recognize that many people don't want to or aren't always ready to do an all-or-nothing change.

I've recently had the opportunity to use my newest green endeavor from The Silver Liner with my choice to change to cloth menstrual pads.  I've also used her swipers, a cover for my Swiffer that eliminates the need to purchase the disposable covers/pads.  Cloth wipes, they're great for baby bottoms, wiping off make-up, family cloth (a much greener solution to toilet paper), and anything else you might want a wipe for.  Wet bags and kitchen wet bags, now I've used wet bags, since I use cloth diapers it's kind of a necessity to have something to put the "wet" diapers in but kitchen wet bags are something new that I had never heard of until recently.  They hang from the stove and collect your wet rags and towels that you've used.

Super soft, minky, topped pads.  They are amazing and (honest) don't stain.


Hanging wet bag.

The owner of the store is very sweet and has a large selection of everything she sells, you can even pick out your own material, (and I love picking out the material).

Whether a light pastel "green" or a dark forest "green", she has a nice variety for all.  I highly recommend checking out The Silver Liner, she has both an Etsy store and a Hyenacart store.  Don't forget to use your 10% discount code though!  This code is for all visitors of my blog and is good from May 23rd through June 6th!

Code: windowtomyworld

Happy shopping and enjoy.


Thanks so much to The Silver Liner for their generosity.  All opinions are mine and mine alone.


  1. I'm in love with my cloth pads! I keep wondering why I didn't know about this sooner. I'm looking forward to using them a second time!

  2. I've wondered the same thing! Who would have thought you'd look forward to getting your period. :)

  3. I love the patterns/prints of the material on such unique items! I missed the discount, but I will definitely check out the site!

  4. You should! It's been a great change for me.
