
Monday, November 21, 2011

ChiTAG fun!

The family and I went to the ChiTAG fair on Saturday and, OMG!!, it was sooo much fun.  It was much larger than I was expecting and the toys!  I saw toys and brands I have never even heard of.  New toys and their inventors.  The kids enjoyed trying everything and best of all, the exhibitors were telling you about their product.  If you were interested, they would then offer you information about buying it.  I never felt pressured by any of them.  I never felt as though I needed to make an excuse as to why I was walking away from a booth, even though my kid had just played with their product.  We will be going next year, no question about it!

Sunshine playing Pajaggle.  It was one of the first games we sat down at to really play.  I played a full game and watched her little brain work as she concentrated on the puzzle.

Monkey playing with CitiBlocs.  Similar concept to Lincoln Logs but you don't have to worry about where the little cut out notches are.  He made a nice round stack and knocked it down before anyone else could.

Bug playing with the drum at the Building Blocks area playing with the Plan Toy drum and ball sorter. Best of all the older 2 were playing with them as well.

There were so many things to see and do.  I am wondering what to decide on for Christmas and birthdays.  Next November seems so far away...


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