
Sunday, October 28, 2012

My baby is 2!

Well, he's 2.  What else can I say but that.  Except maybe that he's added joy and love to our family for the last 2 years.  He brightens everyone's day and is a truly happy to see everyone.  Our family is now complete with our newest addition.  He is an inquisitive, playful, stubborn, strong-willed, tough little boy, capable of climbing onto and into everything.  He will play with his brother and sister or sit and work on puzzles by himself.  He runs, runs and runs even more; never walking from place to place.  He jumps and spins and laughs at everything and everyone, including himself.  He enjoys being surprised and loves when you jump into his room when he wakes up from his nap.  He'll kiss you and cuddle until your arms are sore from holding him for so long and you will continue to hold him because he is 2 and he may not cuddle like this much longer.  He adores his older brother and sister and copies them when they play.  When I come home he runs to me yelling my name and gives me a huge hug, regardless of the amount of time I was away.  He may not talk much but is definitely able to get his point across, usually quite loud about it as well.  He loves helping and doing little jobs for you.

I cannot imagine our home without him.
2 years - busy outside raking leaves.

Busy, busy, busy and always with a smile.

1 year - Happy, as always.

<30 minutes old - trying to figure out what on Earth just happened!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Woes of boys

Bug is turning 2.  As in 2 hours he'll be 2.  My little baby will be two and where has the time gone?

Oh, where has the time gone?  It's very close to his birthday party and we still need to get him something.  Sunshine and I had picked out a big book of Dr. Seuss books but for some reason I felt he needed something else (this way I will have one more thing to pick up/put away/wash).  It doesn't matter what logic was telling me, my heart was saying, "Buy, buy, buy!"  Either that or it was the huge influx of commercials and advertisements

So Sunshine and I are at the store and I decide to look for one more thing.  We head over to the toy department, which is small since the store only has it set up for Christmas.  I look and I look and I look.  Sunshine looks and she finds: toys that are too much money, toys that aren't age appropriate, or toys that we have something almost exactly like at home - sometimes it was all 3 of them.  I realize (again) that we still don't need anything.  Our home has way too many toys and our kids have way too much clothes.

Unfortunately, this doesn't mean that poor Bug shouldn't get presents since he is the youngest.  It just means that as a baby, he'll get gipped out of getting as many as his brother and sister.

There is one thing though that Bug could use.  Pajamas.  He's been having this obnoxious habit of pushing at the top of his pajama pants which then causes pee to squish out all over the place.  The only way we've been able to stop it is on him or by either putting one piece pajamas by putting onesies under the 2 piece pajamas.  He doesn't have too many one piece jammies and it's October and the house can get cold so I figured I'd buy him some footie jammies.  Sunshine and I looked at the racks and racks of clothes and she says to me, "Why aren't there as many boy pajamas as girls?"  A question all mothers of sons ask and I sadly had no answer for her.  Instead I told her, "Some people who make clothes like the flowers more than trucks."  She did not like the possibility of someone not thinking that every single bit of her Bug was perfect-and that included making his clothes.  She answers, "That's not very nice.  Bug's clothes are cute.  Remember, he has all those dinosaurs and things.  I don't think I like this store anymore.  I don't think we should shop here, let's go home."  She was serious too.  She wanted to go right then and there.

We left, without any pajamas or toy, and when she came back she gave Hubby an ear-full on how terrible the world is because boys don't have as large of a selection as girls.


Friday, October 19, 2012

ChiTAG Fair Giveaway!

For those of you who have never heard of the ChiTAG Fair, it can be summed up in one word: awesome.  Picture Toys R Us on steroids... and they want you to play with the toys.  Maybe you don't understand this.  A giant toy store where you can play with the toys and have no feeling of obligation to buy anything!

My family and I went last year for the first time and I'm not sure who had the most fun.  Hubby, who was in love with all of the electronic gadgets.  Sunshine, who saw puzzles and games.  Monkey, who saw enough blocks to make the biggest kid content.  Or even Bug, who was happy banging away on the smaller baby toys.

They still have those rings saying Chicago Toy and Game Fair

The tower of blocks.  Another hour and he'd have been able to be like the man who made one 6' tall!

Bug, enjoying the wooden balls and the mallet that goes with it!

Pretty awesome, right?

You want to go?  Well of course you do!  Why wouldn't you?  Would you like to win a ticket?  Well of course you do!  Why wouldn't you?

From now until the fair on November 17-18, I will be giving away a ticket free admission to the fair.  This is for entry into the fair only and does not cover the cost of parking.  There are 4 ways to enter, please make sure to leave a comment for each and include your email for me to contact in the following format:
thisis AT myemail DOT com

1.  Like my blog.
2.  Tweet about this and leave the link.
3.  Follow me on twitter.
4.  Head over to ChiTAG's website and check it out.  Come back and let me know which exhibitor you might like to visit.

You may also see prices and print out a coupon here.

Congratulations to Melissa!
