
Friday, August 12, 2011


So I've already had that gasp of Sunshine going to kindergarten, now I've realized what that really means.  She has afternoon kindergarten and we'll be taking classes in the morning.  Last night I was thinking that I should go to the zoo.  Then I realizeed; If I want to go to the zoo, I will have to go in the next 5 days or I can only go on days that she doesn't have school.  Bug will never be able to just go to the zoo on a whim.  Now I understand why the zoo is so packed on those days that school is typically not in session.  Since she has afternoon kindergarten, we can't go there in the afternoon as we've done in the past when she was in preschool.  I suppose I can take Monkey and Bug when she's in first grade but then only on days that Monkey isn't in preschool.  This only reminded me why I want 3 day preschool.  Keep them home and get to enjoy them as long as possible.  She's taking the bus but the bus stop is down the street and around the corner so I will have to walk her there which means either wrapping the other 2 up just to go outside for 10 minutes.  I am not going to like this at all.  When will our lives go back to how they were... Oh yeah, never.


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